Nose Breathe Mouthpiece
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Nose Breathe Mouthpiece
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Nose Breathe Tongue Positioner/Pacifier
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Benefits of Breathing Through the Nose
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Nasal Breathing
Non-Extraction Orthodontics
Breathe Through Your Nose
About Steven K. Sue, DDS, MS
Nose Breathing
Nose Breathe Mouthpiece Client Comments
Nasal Breathing
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Mouthpiece -
Patent No.
Oral Shield -
Patent No.
Nose Breathe for Heavy Mouth Breather -
Patent No.
Tongue Positioner/ Pacifier/Trainer
Patent No.

Nose Breathe®
Registered Trademark

The Nose Breathe Mouthpiece

After many years in orthodontics, I have designed a simple mouthpiece that promotes nasal breathing. By positioning the tongue to the roof of the mouth, a lip seal is created and you are encouraged to breathe through the nose. The lower jaw is stabilized naturally.

The nose breathe mouth piece stabilizes completed orthodontic cases by controlling the tongue thrust. It also teaches children proper swallowing patterns, trains athletes for endurance and prevents them from overtraining. Once you comphrehend the significance of nasal breathing, you will realize the benefits are overwhelming.

The Nose Breathe fits over upper teeth. It has a shelf for the tongue. The tongue is placed above the shelf and is in contact with the roof of the mouth. The front of the tongue is at the soft tissue bump (incisal papilla) located directly behind the two upper front teeth.

Nose Breathe Mouthpiece Illustration

Gently bite down and let the trapped air out. You should experience the lip seal. When the tongue is placed at the roof of the mouth, it prevents the tongue from falling into the back of the throat. The tongue is held forward and away from the back of the throat by the naturally occurring lip seal and a forward "tongue suction".

Nose Breathe Mouthpiece Breathe deep. During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts. The area of the stomach expands, increasing the lungs' capacity. It looks like you are making your stomach fat; this is good fat. The chest expands little.

If you find your chest expanding and your stomach is going in, your neck muscles are lifting the chest up. This will result in tightness around the neck and shoulder muscles.

Practice getting your breathing to go lower. Relax the diaphragm to exhale. Exhalation requires very little effort.

You do not need to keep the lips exactly closed. Once the lower lip is in contact with the mouthpiece, the lip seal will be present.

When should I wear my Nose Breathe Mouthpiece?
Good nose breathing has no boundaries. Wear your NB almost any time, while jogging, washing your car, shoveling snow, ... not good for surfing-once it falls in the water, it is gone. Mouth Breathers can take advantage of our special Nose Breathe for Heavy Mouth Breather model and can wear it while sleeping. Kids wear it while on the computer; cross-country runners for running, golfers for golfing, tennis players for tennis. It keeps them relaxed and focused. It helps keep the emotion out. We have forgotten how to breathe correctly. Observe a newborn baby. A baby only knows how to nose breathe. Look at the baby's stomach; see how the stomach expands!

Good luck and I hope you like your own Nose Breathe as much as I do. Read some of the comments our clients have to say about Nose Breathe, Nose Breathe with Oral Shield, and Nose Breathe for Heavy Mouth Breather.

Nose Breathe Mouthpiece Illustration

See what others are saying about the Nose Breathe and Nose Breathe Oral Shield and Nose Breathe for Heavy Mouth Breather

Dr. Sue's INTERVIEW: as published in Dentaltown, a professional magazine that goes to all the dentists and dental hygienists in the US.

Steven K. Sue, D.D.S., M.S., Inc. Honolulu, HI USA Tel. (808) 949-8876